Friday, July 19, 2013

Man of Hope

“The world is corrupted!” This is a strong statement from a dear friend while we had a walk and he shared with me his observations of the world today. Our conversation made me start to think how true it is and how it relates to my life. I am convinced that truly our world is facing a battle between good and evil and that there is a hidden corruption behind the seemingly attractive wealth and pleasures of this world.

A month ago, the Toastmasters group watched Superman—the man of steel. We liked the movie so much; how superman’s existence gave hope to the people of the planet earth. Aside from his new costume, I was amazed by the valuable lessons learned. One of these is that when a father says, “You're not just anyone. One day, you're going to make a choice. You'll have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be. Whoever that man is, good character or bad, he's going to change the world.” To me this means that we become what we repeatedly do.  We should not wonder if one person can or cannot change the world. Many want to change the world but only a few want to change themselves. 

When I was still a kid, I always wished that I could be like superman, one who can fly and rescue anyone who needs my help. How I wished I could be SUPER NINO. But for a while, I had doubts; how could I possibly change the world around me? Then, I remembered the scene at school when Clark Kent was so confused that he told his mother that the world was too big and his mother replied to make it small and pretend it’s an island out in the ocean. I discovered that to change the world around me I had to start the change in the world within me first. I realized that I can be super ME in so many ways.

A random act of kindness everyday is where I could start!  I have witnessed with my very own eyes some very close people, who in the midst of difficulties and scarcity of material wealth, still have shown generosity esp. towards the unprivileged, the needy and the poor. That friend has shared even his last penny to the old man we met in the street without hesitation. He taught me a simple gesture of charity. We are by nature good and that goodness is just within our reach. I was moved with the simple conversation with a principled and faithful stranger who quit drinking, smoking and all other vices that are detrimental to his well-being. Amidst his past failures, he has made a choice to be a better person every single day by sacrificing his earthly desires in order to live a life that is worthy of emulation. He quit drinking, smoking and all other vices that are detrimental to his well-being. The goodness prevails in them and continues to reveal a hope that I can also move on and make the most of my life. 

Looking at what is happening around us might seem frustrating, but that doesn't mean we can just ignore and pretend that everything is alright while many suffer from human indifference. As Edmund burke says, the only way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!” I realized that I can be super ME in so many ways. So, why not challenge ourselves to call a long lost friend whom we haven’t talk for a while or maybe to try to make the first move to reconcile with our best enemy. Why not give away all our extra clothes that are just kept in the cabinet to the people who can barely afford to buy clothing? Why not dare to talk and listen to the person whom we thought is worst and just love them for who they are? The people whom we find the hardest to love are the people who needs love the most.

Claiming that the world is too big and we are too small doesn't excuse us from making the decisions in our own lives to live better. I choose to believe that there is still hope that hides in our hearts that we need to share with the world around us. By answering this call, we can save the world whose values are slowly corrupted. To be the change that we wish to see is not simply a mere chance but it’s a noble gift of a lifetime and one that may change the world for the better. 

The real challenge is to be the best person that our Omnipotent has called us to be. Will you be willing to make a difference in the lives of other people? Can you be a Superman in your own little ways? I hope and pray that in every endeavor you have in life may serve the greater goodness of the humanity and not only of our own sake. We are all very lucky here. Let’s open ourselves to the world and see how beautiful life is as we embrace the goodness in us, as we share the hope of humanity, and as we give love freely!