Friday, July 19, 2013

Man of Hope

“The world is corrupted!” This is a strong statement from a dear friend while we had a walk and he shared with me his observations of the world today. Our conversation made me start to think how true it is and how it relates to my life. I am convinced that truly our world is facing a battle between good and evil and that there is a hidden corruption behind the seemingly attractive wealth and pleasures of this world.

A month ago, the Toastmasters group watched Superman—the man of steel. We liked the movie so much; how superman’s existence gave hope to the people of the planet earth. Aside from his new costume, I was amazed by the valuable lessons learned. One of these is that when a father says, “You're not just anyone. One day, you're going to make a choice. You'll have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be. Whoever that man is, good character or bad, he's going to change the world.” To me this means that we become what we repeatedly do.  We should not wonder if one person can or cannot change the world. Many want to change the world but only a few want to change themselves. 

When I was still a kid, I always wished that I could be like superman, one who can fly and rescue anyone who needs my help. How I wished I could be SUPER NINO. But for a while, I had doubts; how could I possibly change the world around me? Then, I remembered the scene at school when Clark Kent was so confused that he told his mother that the world was too big and his mother replied to make it small and pretend it’s an island out in the ocean. I discovered that to change the world around me I had to start the change in the world within me first. I realized that I can be super ME in so many ways.

A random act of kindness everyday is where I could start!  I have witnessed with my very own eyes some very close people, who in the midst of difficulties and scarcity of material wealth, still have shown generosity esp. towards the unprivileged, the needy and the poor. That friend has shared even his last penny to the old man we met in the street without hesitation. He taught me a simple gesture of charity. We are by nature good and that goodness is just within our reach. I was moved with the simple conversation with a principled and faithful stranger who quit drinking, smoking and all other vices that are detrimental to his well-being. Amidst his past failures, he has made a choice to be a better person every single day by sacrificing his earthly desires in order to live a life that is worthy of emulation. He quit drinking, smoking and all other vices that are detrimental to his well-being. The goodness prevails in them and continues to reveal a hope that I can also move on and make the most of my life. 

Looking at what is happening around us might seem frustrating, but that doesn't mean we can just ignore and pretend that everything is alright while many suffer from human indifference. As Edmund burke says, the only way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!” I realized that I can be super ME in so many ways. So, why not challenge ourselves to call a long lost friend whom we haven’t talk for a while or maybe to try to make the first move to reconcile with our best enemy. Why not give away all our extra clothes that are just kept in the cabinet to the people who can barely afford to buy clothing? Why not dare to talk and listen to the person whom we thought is worst and just love them for who they are? The people whom we find the hardest to love are the people who needs love the most.

Claiming that the world is too big and we are too small doesn't excuse us from making the decisions in our own lives to live better. I choose to believe that there is still hope that hides in our hearts that we need to share with the world around us. By answering this call, we can save the world whose values are slowly corrupted. To be the change that we wish to see is not simply a mere chance but it’s a noble gift of a lifetime and one that may change the world for the better. 

The real challenge is to be the best person that our Omnipotent has called us to be. Will you be willing to make a difference in the lives of other people? Can you be a Superman in your own little ways? I hope and pray that in every endeavor you have in life may serve the greater goodness of the humanity and not only of our own sake. We are all very lucky here. Let’s open ourselves to the world and see how beautiful life is as we embrace the goodness in us, as we share the hope of humanity, and as we give love freely!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Little Boy Who Was Once Lost…

“When I grow up, I want to be a little boy,” American author Joseph Heller once said. 

Fellow Toastmasters, friends, and to all those who wish or envisage themselves to be a child again, Good evening!

Isn't it strange when the names given to us by our parents are oftentimes revealed in our behavior? Do you agree that sometimes the meaning of your name reflects on who you are as an individual? Let’s say Nino, a Spanish name which means little boy, reminded me of my childhood memories. While I looked back, I suddenly felt very sentimental. I wasn't only longing of my childhood experiences but I also found out that the child in me was lost. I contemplated for a while and realized three traits among children that I believed has called me to live like a child.

Let’s begin with the very common trait among children, being cheerful. No matter how exhausting it is to take care of the children, once they smile, the sacrifice is nothing compared to the joy they give.  Most children by nature are happy people that even in their most ordinary moments, you still see them smiling. When I asked one of the grade 1 students on what makes him happy, he just gave me a big smile and said, “Nothing!” I couldn't easily figure out what he meant by his answer but then I realized that this kid smiles even for no reason at all.

Next prevailing trait is being enthusiastic. As the saying goes, "Enthusiasm is the thing that makes the world go round!" Children have this passion that is contagious. Whenever we have our art activity, my class is eager to finish what they've started. You can see how enthusiastic they are in their drawings or paintings because they love what they do. There is always that fire to give the best in them. This determination refuels their dreams to come true.

Lastly, children are always lovable! This trait is undeniable. When one of my co-teachers came inside the grade 2 class, he was very disappointed with their behavior and reprimanded them, “Keep quiet and I don’t even want to hear you breathing!” There was a minute of silence until one of my students raised his hand while holding his breath and said, “Mr., if I don’t breathe, I’ll die.” The purity of their hearts shines in them for being true with their feelings. I love these little kids not because of the physical attributes or intellectual capacities but more importantly because they deserve to be loved. 

After my reflection, I felt so grateful that these children enlightened me with the valuable message worthy to live by. One thing is to be happy at all times, under all circumstances. I should live like a child who takes things cheerfully no matter what!  Moreover, it helped me recharge my lost passion in writing. I was inspired to make a difference in my own little way and to maximize my potential to the fullest. Most importantly, it stirred my heart. There is a burning desire within me to love others unconditionally for me to experience love in return. Deep down in my soul, it posed a challenge to have a humble and a forgiving heart. When I asked myself if I am still lovable like the child, I was reminded of the movie entitled “The Peaceful Warrior”. In this movie, I started to embrace one truth and that is the person who is hardest to love is the one who needs love the most.

Life has brought us this far. But, wherever we may go or wander, we’ll always come back to the place where we belong. A joyful place in our hearts awaits our homecoming.  And that is the child that remains in us. I’m glad that right here, right now, I’m coming home.

Fellow toastmasters and friends, I’m Nino, the little boy who was once lost, but now, found!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

God to the Rescue!

Hold on
Don’t give up
You can’t afford to quit now
God has brought you this far
Keep pressing on
Because He’s been there all along

       This was the message that touched and reminded me of God’s unconditional love and mercy.

       When times come that problems or struggles are unbearable, isolation from God is never an answer. His grace comes in the moment we humbly call on and surrender those to Him. Then, peace reigns in us as we learn to trust fully a great God who is greater than all circumstances, fears and worries.

     It was a very tough test being put into a situation where I really thought I would be carried away by my emotion. But, on how I overcame it was still unbelievable. I was certain that I surpassed it with God’s grace. I just want to share what messages God wanted me to realize during that moment. I learned how to recognize when we are struggling for something or when becoming stubborn. We all experience difficulties in life. God knows us deeply and that he believes in us that we can rise above the circumstance. If we fail, God will continue to chase and will never give up on us until we realize that we cannot do it by ourselves alone. He will make a way out of it and will use instruments for us to triumph with Him.

      Most of the times, I have this belief that I can master my own mind and emotion. But I was wrong since in the most difficult moments God has fought the battles for me. He used that weakness to be the very reason to ask help and draw strength from Him.  God alone can truly make the “seemingly impossible” things happen. He is always faithful and stays with us under all circumstances. After being enlightened, God as always, offers a new relationship to be nurtured with endless faith and extravagant love.


     Healing may take a lifelong process. But one truth remains, the Lord God will never give up on us. He never leaves us even in the midst of our imperfections. Thank you Lord for embracing and loving us and forever!

Nino in the Making

     Do you like to smile? How about smiling to strangers? I love to smile to everyone even to strangers. Maybe because I was inspired by the saying “Smile, it improves your face value.” So, I hope you don't misunderstand me when you see me smiling even If I’m just alone.  If you’re convinced, you can start smiling now and let's find out later if something has improved.

      Fellow Toastmasters, guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, let’s make this night worthy of our smiles as I deliver my Ice Breaker Speech.

      I’m Nino, a Spanish word means little boy, 5 feet and 4 inches tall, with fair complexion, single and available. Oh I almost forgot! There is one thing that my parents used to tell me. “I’m the most handsome son in the world.  Is there any objection?  If you disagree, “you have the right to remain silent, any word you say can and will be used against you.”

      There is no child that has no dream. For sure, all of us here in this room dreamt of something that we want to be, if not our dreams, maybe our parents’ or grandparents’ dreams for us. My elementary teacher once asked me of my ambition when I grow up. As a silent and shy type boy from a small town, I stood up and said “I want to become a priest.”  That dream first came to my mind when I had read and observed in my school yearbook that the smart and outgoing students dreamed to become lawyers, doctors, engineers while the lowly and meek in the seminary or a church. I thought I was destined to be a priest since during my graduation day; I received an award being the “Most Kind” pupil in the graduating class. That recognition made my Mama and Papa so proud of their only son.

     It was in the year 2000 when my father lost his job. I was left with no other choice but to try applying scholarship in private schools and universities. I was still very fortunate that I passed the entrance exam at Philippine Normal University. It's not a school for normal people but a school for students who want to become teachers.  Teaching taught me to embrace this profession as my calling.  I found it both rewarding and fulfilling. This noble work made me realize that I became one of the instruments to fulfill the plans and dreams of my students.  

     I’m already 29, but I still can't figure out who I am. I keep on chasing one dream after another. I have this vision that someday I will become a missionary.  To be of service to the community gives me true joy and contentment. Life continues to reveal some things about me I would say that who I am is still in the making. The people, places, and even circumstances influence and mold me for who I am at present. All these brought significant impact in molding my character-happy or sad experiences, best or worst moments with different people in all walks of life, and our successes and failures encountered. In the turning points of my life, I still manage to smile.

      I was reminded of what Max Erhman mentioned in his poem desiderata of Happiness which says, “Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with you.  You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.    And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.    With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."

      Fellow toastmasters, there is more to life than what our naked eyes can see. There is much in life to look forward to. Who I am is an unending pursuit.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Worthy To Live

     “I woke up one day realizing that years have gone by and yet still my life hasn't really changed.  So, year after year, I always ended up dreaming for a change. I supposed this will be the same thing for the next few years to come. I am the same person.”  This thought has almost conquered me in the battle I am fighting for. Yes, I am at war to the world and to myself. This world we live in is raging a battle not only to the physical bodies of each of us but more so the very  heart and soul of the humanity.  Every tomb in the cemetery has left unforgettable memories. Worst or best doesn't really matter. After all, every person is worth of high value that can never be condemned. I am still lucky enough for staying awake to choose the path I need to live. Life remains mysterious as it is.  No one can ever fathom the secret that lies in it. There will only be lessons to give us a gist of what life is all about.

     Sometimes, to fulfill one’s ultimate dream is when one starts to fail and become the person he doesn't dream to be. I remembered myself dreaming for almost all of my life. I was taught to do the best in everything and to be the greatest of them all. It was a great feeling having been successful.  Temporarily, it boosted my confidence to do something unusual in life, some stupid adventures that led me to nowhere. I took the risks with passion and willingly fooled myself. I was deceived with the comforts and self-gratification it provides. I have thought that I have done tremendous achievements in my very own selfish desires. Even every after consequence I suffer, it remains a hard lesson to learn. And to perfectly master it, one has to fail many times until lessons are learned on its way over and over again.

     Life is always a big question mark!  A lot of us have been wandering around to probably find the answers to some questions or to create a different identity after having achieved something satisfying. We have not yet truly seen the essence of life. I may not exactly know what each of us really want or need, but it is worth to just close the door of our own world. There is a whole world outside us that struggles a lot and needs our simple gesture of goodness.  The purpose of our existence isn't found in our own world where discontentment and hunger for earthly pleasures continue to swallow us.  This is the reality of the world inside us that we ignore.  We are not only blind of this sad truth but also coward to let go of our foolishness. The story of the person beside you now might change your world.  Open yourself even to a stranger.  You might not be able to give the best shot at the moment. What is important is the giving up of your own world to embrace other’s lives.  

     Every second is precious to every person in this passing world. Before this day ends, I decide to do something that is really of necessity for change, not for my own sake, but for others who are in need of me.  I chose to lose my own “selfish” world to live a meaningful life that is worth fighting for.