Sunday, November 27, 2011

i am...

i am…

A masterpiece of God
Woven by his hands, my truest being be revealed
In accordance to his will and plan

A child by nature
Molded with utmost care by my beloved ones
Secured by guidance and protection

A young explorer of life
Unfolding the mysteries ahead
Discovers strengths and weaknesses

A traveler
Grows with experiences, becomes stronger in failures
Faces consequences courageously
 Never gives up easily

                                                                             A small voice         
One of the millions who are discontented
Dreaming the impossible and unnecessary

A speck of sand
Too small to be recognized
Indeed, I have nothing to boast for

A complete stranger of today
Journeys the path of uncertainties
Builds memorable relationships

A living witness of the past
Absorber of the lessons of history
Living with the learning of yesterday

A legacy of the future
A promising individual of tomorrow
My name may fade when death comes
But my deeds forever be treasured
In their memories…. in their hearts

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